Did I actually say "Exciting?" Well on some levels I would have to say that it really was exciting.
Monday I was able to catch-up with my Skating Family. It was absolutely wonderful seeing everyone. It was too long since my last visit and I really needed to skate (how I miss doing that every week) and of course lets not forget seeing everyone which is really the main reason I go skating anyhow.
I also went to see one of my friends Deb who unfortunately was not at work as planned due to a family friend passing away. I'm hoping we get a chance in the very near future to get our schedules aligned so that we can meet-up.
I worked as usual and this week, however I had my two days off together. It was nice getting what seemed liked a long weekend. I had lunch with my friend Michael on Friday, we sat and chatted for hours on end. It was nice to talk with someone who has been down the same road as myself. He lost his partner about 7 years ago and it has taken him a lot longer to find himself and be able to move on. I know that everyone always offers an ear to me and all of you are so kind and caring all the time. But spending the time on Friday talking with someone who has been in my situation really helped me to understand that I was not alone (not that I every have been alone, not with so many great friends) but this connection is just different. This is about having someone around that can say that they understand what I have gone through and what I'm still experiencing because they too have lived through it.
For those of you who don't know who Michael is, he is my best friends husband. In my last post I talked about how much they both have supported me since I've moved into the new apartment (that's of course because they live 9 floors up). I love them both so dearly and thank god that I'm blessed to have them in my life. As I do with all my friends, one thing that I have learned over the years is that your friends are one of a kind and each brings something different to your life. Some will make you laugh others will make you mad, but no matter what they say or do they are part of your life and they have a profound affect on you as an individual.
Life provides us with the opportunity to experience so many different things; the major issue is that we as humans are afraid of what we are unsure of and we don't like change. Change is something we all should embrace. I have a very dear friend who embraces change so much; ask him about how much he likes change, well at least the change that involves purchasing a new car(s). Sorry honey, I could not resist you know that I love you more than words.
We need to understand that we have one chance at life and while it does not always seem fair its what we have and we need to embrace it and take it for what its worth. What's its value? The value is that we were given a chance to live and experience what the world around has to offer. Enjoy what you have and make the most of it everyday. We all have good days and we all have bad days, in the end its about what you do with them and how you react to them.
Once again I'm babbling on. So before you start falling asleep, let me leave you with yet another of my favorite quotes:
Life is nothing without friendship.....Marcus Tullius Cicero