I'm reminded of a quote from Everett Mámor;
"We can learn a lot from trees: they're always grounded but never stop reaching heavenward."
On this day, one of many milestones; my Dad bought a tree in the memory of Jamie. What he did not realize was that this particular day 27 JUL 09 holds greater meaning and the fact that we planted this beautiful tree on it gives me more reasons to appreciate its grandeur.
You see this would have been our 22nd Anniversary and so the fact that this tree was planted on this day will provide me with a constant reminder of Jamie and our love.
Trees are majestic, resilient and every growing. They provide shade to our homes, clean air to our world and beauty like none other. Trees are like old friends and they grow with us and our families.
They are natures gifts to us yet, we don't always appreciate what we are given.
Thank you to my Dad for this gift. One that will keep on giving year after year and lets not forget the joy it will give me every time I see it and remember my dear friend.
That's great! Until the HOA tells you to take it down... :/
Except it helps when you're the President of the Association!
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