Monday, April 21, 2014

East Rock -- Breath Taking Views

When you live in a valley you tend to forget that there are mountains that surround you, how I really don't know.  I guess its just another one of those things in life that you take for granted.   Last weekend we decided that we were going exploring and I wanted to go this park that you could see from Ikea... Yes I know, I had to mention that place at least once in my posting (LOL).

Now about that park; from a distance you could see this tower sitting on top of a very large hill (oops that would be a mountain).   We took the ride and it found and made our way up the very narrow and winding road (no its not a song).  The view on the way up was amazing and sort of frighting at the same time, as I don't do well with heights.  When we did make it to the top the view was just an experience that if you every visit this area you simply must take the time to see it to believe it.

Below you will find just a few of the many pictures that I took that day.   I hope you enjoy them as much as I did taking them.  Of course I will need to go back up once everything starts to turn green!

New Haven, CT

Using the miniature setting on my camera 

This memorial was built in 1887 and towers over the top of East Rock

Breath taking view of the edge looking out on New Haven

West Rock... the next place we are going 

A view off the edge of the road

again in miniature 

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