Just another day... I think not. Its been a stressful week. Work, Friends and such. I just don't understand whats with everyone this week. I swear it has something to do with the last full moon. Everyone is on edge including myself. My friends all seem to be going through tough times right now and I'm just feeling a little out there too.
Life tends to bring us things whether or not we are ready for them. A great example of ready for it would be that I found my way back to church this week, of course it was because of my friend Michael who introduced me to a church that is actually accepting of who I am and does not tell me that I'm going to burn in hell for things that I do in life. Instead they focus on the positives in life and how to live your life with god. I must say that being raised Catholic and finding out later in life that the church was not accepting of my lifestyle was no surprise, however I always was looking for that missing piece. Now I have found it in a Pentecostal church. its a great mix of people and its uplifting. My message to the Catholic Church... If you don't believe in me I don't believe in your teachings. No offense to any of my Catholic friends; its has nothing to do with you, its about a church that lives in the dark and refuses to change.
I'm very thankful that Michael has come into my life and that he has shared this with me. Michael and I share a common life experience, we both lost our spouses. This is something that most people just don't understand. They think they do, however when someone dies that is your partner the pain and emotional state that you're feeling is something that only a person in the same position can fully understand and appreciate. Support of family and friends is always important but having a friend who has been there makes a world of difference. Michael lost his partner over seven years ago and I lost mine as you know over two years ago. The pain might lessen, however it never goes away. Its something that you learn to live with, sharing your memories along the way and knowing that you're not alone. I know that he is personally going some really bad times right now, however this too will lessen with time and he will be back to his normal crazy out of control self.
I guess this is a lesson for all of us. We need to live life everyday and enjoy what we have and appreciate one another because you never know what tomorrow holds for you. I know that I have grown emotionally and spiritually this year, however I still have a long road to travel. Traveling this road with my family and friends is the only way that I know I will find the right way in life. I'm so thankful for all my friends, without whom I would never have made it through the last year. I'm also thankful for those new friends in my life, like Michael who has shown me that its okay to remember and that I'm not the only person in this position. That the person who is missing from my life is still part of my life and always will be part it. I know that if and when I find someone new to share my life with that they too need to understand this fact, because without Jamie's impact I would not be the person I am today.
My friend Jim has a direct way of just telling me to get over it, its time to move on. He's so correct, its just a lot easier said than done at times. I really don't know what I would have done without so many great people in my life. Yeah I tease folks like Jim because they are direct, but I know that they care and that the message is meant with a dose of love and reality sprinkled together.
Okay as usual I have gone on way too much. So my parting thought of the day is:
Psalms 31:24 "Be of good courage, and he shall strengthen your heart, all ye that hope in the lord."
God Bless you Jeff, Jesus Loves you and so do I , Hugs, Melanie
Just do what you believe in and hold your head up high. You can't forget your past because you'll have no future. Just beleive in yourself like you always have and you'll be great.
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