Yes it's true I have vacation on my mind. Today at work I did a lot, however I just kept thinking that its just one more day. Just one more day (good thing I didn't ruby slippers on or I might have been clicking my heals).
This vacation is about relaxing and re-energizing. Its the first year that I will not be going away, and its the first time in 22 years that I will be spending all this down time by myself (well at least when I'm home, sorry Hershey does not count). Its going to be strange. I have no plans, well that's not entirely true I would like to get somethings done around the house and I do plan on going out and getting totally smashed a few nights. After all that's what vacation is all about, adult beverages. Okay so I told my friends Matt and Kasey that I would go with them this weekend to get a tattoo, as you can guess I am chickening out. I just can decide what I want and where to get it (please keep your thoughts G rated). I don't want to rush into it as you know once its done, its done! I told them maybe the following weekend, once I have a chance to think about it some more.
School is going well I have just one class this term (thank god) it started off bumpy however its getting better. Its Ethics in the Legal Environment which sounds worst than it really turned out to be.
I did get a new book last week Angels and Demons and I just can't wait to really have some time to start reading it. Speaking of reading, I so miss Anne Rice and her vampire books they always kept me up at night (could never stop reading them). These days she is writing
religious books (don't really see myself getting into those... ha,ha).
Well I'm going to take the next few days and disconnect the computer from my hands and relax and party with my friends. I wish you all an outstanding July 4
th and remember its just not an excuse for partying, please take a moment and remember what it really means, be thankful and be kind to everyone around you.
Oh, by the niece (well J's) gave birth a little boy a few weeks ago, I'm so happy for her and Jason!
Till next time my friends..
"Liberty is the right to choose. Freedom is the results of the right choice" - Unknown