So a day has past since I last posted. Nothing has really changed, survived yet another Sunday and managed to not eat everything in the house... thankfully!
Sunday was pretty serene. Just worked on clearing out some of the clutter in this monster house; you really need to ask yourself once in a while why do I have so many things? I don't know about you but I have more linens and bed sets than I think they even carry at Bed Bath and Beyond. That man could spend money honey. I'm now figuring out where it went (stuffed in closets, drawers, and any other place I did not care to look). Bless his heart though the house always looked a like model home.
I'm not sure what the issue was last night but I just could not seem to sleep. May be I was just so excited about going back to the gym....not (well at least not that excited). I save that excitement for other things (wink, wink).
I just got off the phone with one of my friends, he lost his mom just a few weeks ago and is experiencing a lot of same things I recently encountered. I must say its not easy. It should not be easy, but you just need to do what's best for you. He's such a wonderful person and is so caring I'm glad that his partner is there to support him during this transition time. I say transition because in reality that's what it is, moving from one emotional plane to another. Its hard to let go; but the truth is you really never do let go, you just learn to accept the change/loss.
Well enough babbling for now... I'm just going to work on my "to do" list and wait (not very patiently, might I add) to hear from another friend.
Just a thought about the value of your friends:
"Your friends will know you better in the first minute they meet you than your acquaintances will know you in a thousand years."
~ Richard Bach
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